

De som har spenderat tid med mig i sommar vet redan att jag har letat efter en fin nackkudde. Dock har jag en del krav.
Den ska vara färgglad (så jag syns ifall planet skulle landa i havet).
Helst med något sött litet djur i ena ändan (mest för min egen skull så jag har någon att prata med på planet).
Gärna mjuk så att mina kinder har något lika lent att gosa med.

Jag letade i Stockholm, hittade inget.
Jag letade i Malmö, hittade inget.
Jag letade hemma, fick låna mammas gråa (men saknade alla 3 kriterier ovan).
Jag letade på IKEA idag, hittade en som uppfyllde 2/3, inte så illa. Less than three är ju ganska bra (höhö).

***Roughly translated from Google Translate:

For those who spent time with me this summer might have noticed that I have been looking for a nice neck pillow. However, I had some requirements.
It should be colorful (so I can be seen if the plane would land in the sea).
Preferably with a cute little animal at one end (mostly for my own sake so I have someone to talk to on the plane).
Very soft so that my cheeks have something equally soft to cuddle with.

I searched in Stockholm, found nothing.
I searched in Malmö, found nothing.
I searched at home, my mum let me borrow her gray neck pillow (but it was lacking all of the three criterias above).
I searched at IKEA today, found one! 2/3, not too bad. Less than three is pretty good (höhö).
Ja, jag har mössa på mig.
Eftersom det är rena istiden i Sverige.

Yes, I have hat.
Because it is freakin cold, pretty close to the ice age in Sweden.

Half way there

I've already started packing...


Swedish Crayfish party


Wall of shame

I don't know about you, but isn't Facebook just lovely?
I especially luuv the saved older posts from you or your friends that pops in the right corner when you check sth like photos.
I have now seen a lot of awesome status updates from me since 2009.
I was equally awesome then as I am now.
Not embarrassed at all.
It is safe to say that I deleted a few of them.
And felt the wave of awkwardness and shame running over me as my eyes first laid eyes on my previous statuses.
And no, I will not share them.


Finally, I have a home

Lately, it seems like everyone is moving to a nice place with their own garden and open fire place. Well, maybe not really like that, but sorta. I've been assigned to be the handy, strong moving chick who carries your heavy stuff all summer long. I've also been in to a billion interior design stores, which I kinda like since I’m pretty interested in that shit. However, all these activities raises the question, when is Ceci going to settle down and get here own place? When is Ceci going to grow up and choose a country/city that she likes enough to stay in for more than 6-12 months? (*true story, longest time I’ve lived in one place is 12 months, I think…)

But not to worry, folks. I’ve finally found home. This morning I woke up as any other day, but on Facebook I had received a msg saying that our rooms are online and we can check it out, and guess what? (you’re not very smart if you can’t, just sayin). I got a single room on campus, really close to my classes and will be living with 4 other ppl (sharing the common room) from CA. Guess who spent the morning stalking my future homies on google? Not me.

I will be staying there for 3 quarters, about 9 months or so. Maybe 9½? So even though it’s not longer that 12 months at least I’ll be in the same place for almost one year.

Drawing this map, made me realize something, aside from the fact that I’m an awesome artist, (Picasso who?) and that ppl actually can't see anything that I drew in paint, is that I did stay at 2 places more than 12 months. Back at my parents house and my first place in Lund.


Ljuva Göteborg

Idag insåg jag hur mycket jag har saknat svensk mat. På ett kafé i Vasa fanns det ett underbart utbud av baguetter, som är Göteborgs national rätt. Jag valde köttbullar med röbetsallad och en kolsyrad apelsindricka. Himmelskt gott.

Today I realized how much I missed the Swedish cuisine. We stopped at a café in Vasa and bought baguettes for picnic. Baguettes with various fillings are the national dish of Gothenburg. I choose a wonderful piece with cold meatballs and beetroot in mayo - the perfect combo, and fuzzy orange drink. Just splendid.



Igår bar det iväg till kphm för att hälsa på mina vänner från Amsterdam, SoSo och Louise. Har inte träffat dem på 2 månader, så det var ett väldigt kärt återseende. Dock skäms jag lite, jag har inte varit i Danmark sedan jag flyttade till Skåne 2007.....det tar 30 min med tåg.

Jag måste säga att jag är väldigt stolt över mig själv. Jag är icke bra på språk (det tog mig 6 månader att lära mig 6 ord på koreanska, if you know what I'm saying....höhö, Idk), och hade problem med skånskan när jag flyttade söderut. Danskan är väldigt komplicerad. När jag pratade med SoSo och Louise i Amsterdam var vi tvungna att prata engelska för att annars förstod jag inte vad de sa. De förstod mig dock. MEN igår så skickade jag sms till dem (på engelska) och frågade dem vad för språk vi skulle använda (dumbass). Jag fick som svar att vi skulle försöka med svenska/danska.
Det började väldigt bra. Jag fattade inte ett ord vad den stackars pojken sa på McDonalds. Dock fick jag höra senare av Louise och SoSo att även de hade problem att förstå honom. Han sa 3 ggr att de bara hade vanligt kaffe varav jag svarade "va?" varje gång. Tillslut vände jag mig till Kimmy och nästan snyftade att jag inte fattade vad han sa. Då tog den stackars pojken allt på engelska istället. Underbar sidenote. Min poäng var att vi använde oss enbart av svenska och danska hela dagen och jag förstod mestadels av konversationerna. Jag utvecklas ju! Jag kan mig på språk!

Wow, I really don't want to translate everything I just wrote in Swedish, but it's kind of a funny story (no, it's not). So I'll just do a trailer version. I went to Copenhagen to visit my friends from Amsterdam. It was awesome! I missed those crazy girls. (starting music from the Rocky OST) But it wasn't easy since we don't speak the same language. They speak Danish and I speak Swedish. Well, techniqually we should be able to understand each other since they are very similar, however they understand me, but I don't understand them cause I am a lameass idiot who's got difficulties with languages (I fell down the stairs when I was a kid). In A'dam, we had to switch to English cause I couldn't understand them. But yesterday, finally, I understood most of the conversations and just made a fool out of myself 3 times. That's a record. I always have an entire wall of shame. But not yesterday. Sweet. Anyways, this was the extended trailer version. not that funny, I know. I'm really trying. Sorry, ma bad.


Kulturkalaset i Göteborg

Man, I miss A'dam.

Innan har det kallats för Göteborgskalaset. Massor av internationell mat vid Gustav Adolfs Torg. Vi brukar gå dit varje år för att äta tills vi spyr och är så panka att plåntan skriker. I år var det inga undantag, förutom att jag inte spydde och spenderade bara en hundring på kringlor. Vi käkade också churros, men min bästa vän bjöd. Tack!

It's the festival of culture in Gothenburg, the cultural festival of Gotheburg? Gothenburg's cultural festival? I have no idea wat's it's called in English. I can google, but I choose not to. So every year, off we go and eat till we throw up and are so broke that my wallet is begging for Selma, Jenny and Calle (who's got Karl and Gustav in their wallet?)*. This year it was a bit rainy and I only spent like a bit more than 10 Euros on food (only pretzels, my best friend bought me churros, thanks!).

*Peeps on the Swedish notes.

Where it all started

It feels really weird being back. Even though it's just for a few days. I've been in Lund since 2007. To say that a lot of things has happend during this time is the understatement of the year. To say that lots of stuff happend since I left is so too. I'll be back tho. In one year. You just wait.


Vi drar till Malmö

Har varit uppe sedan 5! Ska bege mig till Skåne land för att kolla in mitt korridorsrum, som förhoppningsvis finns kvar och är intakt samt hälsa på en massa kompisar, Vet inte hur jag ska hinna med allt. Tack och lov för Kimmy, min underbara vän som jag ska bo hos.

I wouldn't be up this early if it wasn't for travelling (or something equally eventful and grand). I am going to the land of the Scania, to Malmö and Lund to be exact. I'm checking out my dorm, and seeing if my room is still intact (which I hope). I'm also catching up with a bunch of old friends, that I haven't seen for ages (well, for 6-7 months at least). Pretty psyched, or tired.



today is exactly 3 weeks from when I leave to San Diego.



This is what I'll be studying next quarter. I'm so psyched!

COGN 20. Introduction to Communication (4)

An historical introduction to the development of the means of human communication, from language and early symbols through the introduction of writing, printing, and electronic media, to today’s digital and multimedia revolution. Examines the effect of communications media on human activity, and the historical forces that shape their development and use. Offered fall, winter, and spring quarters.

1. Introduction to Art Making: Two-Dimensional Practices (4)

An introduction to the concepts and techniques of art making with specific reference to the artists and issues of the twentieth century. Lectures and studio classes will examine the nature of images in relation to various themes. Drawing, painting, found objects, and texts will be employed. Prerequisites: none. This course is offered only one time each year.

40. Introduction to Computing in the Arts (4)

(Cross-listed with ICAM 40.) An introduction to the conceptual uses and historical precedents for the use of computers in art making. Preparation for further study in the computer arts area by providing overview of theoretical issues related to the use of computers by artists. Introduces the students to the program’s computer facilities and teaches them basic computer skills. Prerequisites: none. Materials fee required.

70N. Introduction to Media (6)

Operating as both a lecture and production course, this introductory class provides a technical foundation and theoretical context for all subsequent production-oriented film and video studies. In the laboratory, the student will learn the basic skills necessary to initiate video production. Completion of Visual Arts 70N is necessary to obtain a media card. Prerequisites:none. Materials fee required.

I miss my Amsterdam homies

Words cannot explain.


here comes the bride...

Bröllopen var fantastiskt. Jag har inte varit med om något liknande. Först vigsel i kyrkan, persisk vigsel på Grand, middag, tal, persisk dans, knivdans, tårta, ännu mer dans, videohälsning och dans igen. Mitt tal blev uppskattat. Bruden blev tårögd och jag fick mycket komplimanger under kvällen att jag hade hållit ett bra tal. Jag var bara glad att allt blev lyckat och bruden och brudgummen hade roligt. Dock var jag en aning trött. Efter att ha varit med sedan 9 på morgonen hos frisören så var jag lite trött vid 16-tiden, höll på att somna vid buffén, men då var det dags för talet så piggnade kvickt till och gick från att försöka att hålla ögonen öppna till att försöka att kontrollera mina skakningar, så nervös var jag. Jag har inget emot att hålla tal, speciellt när det är till en av mina bästa vänner på hennes bröllopsdag, men det gör det inte mindre nervöst. Mina fusklappar darrade och när jag lyfte glaset och skålade kunde man se hur vinet i glaset gungade. Men min bordsdam sa att hon inte hade märkt något, så det vara ju bra.

The wedding was probably the best wedding I have even been to. I cannot describe how much fun I had. There were so many elements, traditions, even cultures. My speech was highly appreciated and I got comments and compliments during the evening, so I was very happy. Although I was so nervous that I was shaking the whole time. You could almost hear my heart beating faster and harder (better, stronger). It will be hard to top that wedding.


California dreaming

Today is it exactly one month left till I leave for San Diego.



The bridal shower was this wednesday . Tomorrow's the wedding. I'm a bit nervous for my speech, but I think it will be fine. Just need to memorize it. One of my closest friends is walking down the isle. I am so happy for her. Words cannot describe how much she means to me. I wish tomorrow will be perfect. I'm going there 9am to sit with her at the hairdresser and we're fixing something old, borrowed, blue and new, all in one thing is the idea.


...I promise you.
I will go there.
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia


He ain't heavy he's my brother

My brother's moving, so the family is gather for this cheerful event.